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比较 Automl 的 output

[英]comparing the output of Automl

im getting different output for feature importance, when I run the automl in azure, google and h2o.当我在 azure、google 和 h2o 中运行 automl 时,我得到了不同的 output 的功能重要性。 even though the data is same and all the features are also same.即使数据相同并且所有功能也相同。 what would be the reason for it.是什么原因造成的。 is there any other method to compare the models有没有其他方法来比较模型

This is expected behavior, H2OAutoML is not reproducible by default.这是预期的行为,默认情况下 H2OAutoML 不可重现。 To make H2OAutoML reproducible you need to set max_models , seed and exclude DeepLearning ( exclude_algos=["DeepLearning"] ) and make sure max_runtime_secs is not set.要使 H2OAutoML 可重现,您需要设置max_modelsseed和排除 DeepLearning ( exclude_algos=["DeepLearning"] ),并确保未设置max_runtime_secs

To compare models you can use model explanations or you can just compare the model metrics .要比较模型,您可以使用model 解释,或者您可以只比较model 指标

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