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如何使用代码更新 Microsoft Teams Bot 消息传递端点?

[英]How to Update a Microsoft Teams Bot Messaging Endpoint with code?

Currently there are two portal options to update the endpoint for a Teams Bot:目前有两个门户选项可用于更新 Teams Bot 的端点:

  1. https://dev.teams.microsoft.com/bots (works intermittently) https://dev.teams.microsoft.com/bots (间歇性工作)
  2. https://dev.botframework.com/bots https://dev.botframework.com/bots

How can we update this from the command line / with code?我们如何从命令行/使用代码更新它?

I'm aware of the az bot commands ( https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cli/azure/bot?view=azure-cli-latest ) but this appears to be for managing resources deployed under 'Bot Services', and not bots created via the 'Bot Framework'.我知道az bot命令( https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cli/azure/bot?view=azure-cli-latest ),但这似乎是为了管理在“Bot”下部署的资源服务”,而不是通过“机器人框架”创建的机器人。


I had a chat just last week with someone else about this - see How to add authentication to a Bot Framework v4 project without Azure Bot Service?上周我与其他人就此进行了一次聊天 - 请参阅如何在没有 Azure Bot Service 的情况下向 Bot Framework v4 项目添加身份验证?

In essence, the "bot portal" is basically just provisioning things for you behind the scenes in the Azure portal in any case - I'd suggest rather just doing everything in Azure directly.从本质上讲,无论如何,“机器人门户”基本上只是在 Azure 门户中为您提供幕后的东西——我建议您直接在 Azure 中做所有事情。 In any, the Microsoft Bot "Framework" conceptually consists of two pieces - code samples + SDKs, and a backend core service that underlies every bot.无论如何,Microsoft Bot“框架”在概念上由两部分组成 - 代码示例 + SDK,以及作为每个 bot 基础的后端核心服务。 As a result, bot "Framework" bots also have a "Bot Service" backend.因此,机器人“框架”机器人有一个“机器人服务”后端。 Note that, by itself, this does not include hosting for the bot, just a central service registration to handle the traffic routing, security, etc.请注意,这本身并不包括机器人的托管,只是用于处理流量路由、安全等的中央服务注册。

Please have a read of the blog post I refer in that other question - it (hopefully) gives a good overview.请阅读我在另一个问题中提到的博客文章 - 它(希望)提供了一个很好的概述。

In answer to your question directly - az bot should be fine to use, specifically https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cli/azure/bot?view=azure-cli-latest#az-bot-update直接回答您的问题 - az bot 应该可以使用,特别是https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cli/azure/bot?view=azure-cli-latest#az-bot-update

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