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无法通过 TIBCO BW 连接到 Oracle 数据库

[英]Cannot connect to Oracle Database via TIBCO BW

I recently started working with TIBCO and creating a process as follows.我最近开始与 TIBCO 合作并创建如下流程。

  1. Read data from a Oracle database.从 Oracle 数据库中读取数据。
  2. Creating CSV file.创建 CSV 文件。
  3. Place the file in FTP server.将文件放在 FTP 服务器中。

I have setup oracle 21c XE database in my computer and created a FTP sever.我已经在我的计算机中设置oracle 21c XE数据库并创建了 FTP 服务器。 I was able to connect to FTP Server, however, facing issues with connecting to oracle database.我能够连接到 FTP 服务器,但是在连接到 oracle 数据库时遇到了问题。

First, I received Failed to find or load the JDBC driver error when I configured JDBC Connection .首先,当我配置JDBC Connection时,我收到Failed to find or load the JDBC driver错误。 After doing some research, I got to know that ojdbc is not packaged with TIBCO.经过一番研究,我知道ojdbc没有与 TIBCO 打包。 Then I downloaded ojdbc11.jar and placed that in TIBCO_HOME/tcpl/5.11/jdbc/ directory.然后我下载ojdbc11.jar并将其放在TIBCO_HOME/tcpl/5.11/jdbc/目录中。

Now, I do not get the previous error, but when I validate the project I could see following error.现在,我没有收到之前的错误,但是当我验证项目时,我可以看到以下错误。 java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class com.tibco.plugin.jdbc.JDBCCommon

Version Info版本信息

  • Oracle DB: 21c Oracle DB:21c
  • TIBCO TRA: 5.11 TIBCO TRA:5.11
  • TIBCO BW: 5.14 TIBCO 体重:5.14

Any kind of help is highly appreciated.任何形式的帮助都将受到高度赞赏。

What you did to install the ORACLE JDBC driver is valid but you need to use a driver version for Java 8 while BW 5.14 is using Java 8 (the name should be ojdbc8.jar). What you did to install the ORACLE JDBC driver is valid but you need to use a driver version for Java 8 while BW 5.14 is using Java 8 (the name should be ojdbc8.jar).

Note also that ORACLE 21c is not officially supported by BW 5.14.另请注意,BW 5.14 不正式支持 ORACLE 21c。

I would test the following options:我会测试以下选项:

  1. Download ojdbc8.jar for ORACLE 21c (if it exist) and test with this version下载 ojdbc8.jar for ORACLE 21c(如果存在)并使用此版本进行测试
  2. Download ojdbc8.jar for ORACLE 19c, this should work (provided that ORACLE 21c should support connection from client applications using older driver version)下载 ojdbc8.jar 用于 ORACLE 19c,这应该可以工作(前提是 ORACLE 21c 应该支持使用旧版本驱动程序从客户端应用程序连接)

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