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铁 pdf 许可证不起作用虽然它在 localhost 检查中显示为已激活

[英]iron pdf license not working Although it appears activated in the localhost check

Iron pdf license does not work when i deploy my project on aws when i used check license in localhost it returns true Iron pdf 许可证在我在 aws 上部署我的项目时不起作用当我在 localhost 中使用检查许可证时它返回 true

private async Task<ReturnResult<byte[]>> GetReportPdf(long id)
            var command = await Mediator.Send(new GetHearingReportForPrint_Query { Id = id });
            var printTemplate = command.Data.PrintSettingsTemplate;

            // Check if IronPdf is licensed successfully 
            bool is_licensed = IronPdf.License.IsLicensed;

            var ChromePdfRenderer = new ChromePdfRenderer();

            ChromePdfRenderer.RenderingOptions.MarginLeft = 10;
            ChromePdfRenderer.RenderingOptions.MarginRight = 10;
            ChromePdfRenderer.RenderingOptions.MarginTop = 60;
            ChromePdfRenderer.RenderingOptions.CustomCssUrl = "wwwroot/css/print-style.css";

i set TempFolderPath in startup constructor我在启动构造函数中设置了 TempFolderPath

 public class Startup
    public Startup(IConfiguration configuration)
        Configuration = configuration;
        IronPdf.Installation.TempFolderPath = @"/tmp";


Please set the license key before this licensing check:请在此许可检查之前设置许可密钥:

// Check if IronPdf is licensed successfully 
bool is_licensed = IronPdf.License.IsLicensed;


// Set the license key
IronPdf.License.LicenseKey = "IRONPDF-YOUR-KEY-HERE-EXPIRES.2023";

// Check if IronPdf is licensed successfully 
bool is_licensed = IronPdf.License.IsLicensed;

If you don't have a trial key, please request one at ironpdf.com如果您没有试用密钥,请在ironpdf.com索取一个

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