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[英]How to add dynamic button for each row in quasar table

I am trying to add buttons for table rows without using a slot.我正在尝试在不使用插槽的情况下为表格行添加按钮。 I am trying to push buttons in the column I am sharing bellow:我正在尝试按下我在下面分享的列中的按钮:

const columns = [
  name: 'name',
  required: true,
  label: 'Member No.',
  align: 'left',
  field: row => row.name,
  format: val => `${val}`,
  sortable: true
 { name: 'short_name', align: 'left', label: 'Short Name', field: 'short_name', 
 { name: 'address', align: 'left', label: 'Address', field: 'address', sortable:true},
 { name: 'ward_count', align: 'left', label: 'Ward No', field: 'ward_count', sortable:true},
 { name: 'bed_count', align: 'left', label: 'Bed No', field: 'bed_count'},
 { name: 'entry_by', align: 'left', label: 'Entry By', field: 'entry_by'}

From Template:从模板:

  <template v-slot:top-right>
    <q-input borderless dense debounce="300" v-model="filter" 
      <template v-slot:append>
        <q-icon name="search" />


These buttons should pass current row id as well.这些按钮也应该传递当前行 ID。

Here is some sample code from my project, this is how i do it.. let me know if you need more details..这是我项目中的一些示例代码,我就是这样做的。如果您需要更多详细信息,请告诉我。

   <q-table  row-key="id" title :rows="arrData" :columns="arrColumns"
            v-model:pagination="pagination" :filter="filter" @request="request" binary-state-sort   separator="cell" class="tableStyle outline">
            <template v-slot:body-cell-your_button_column_name="props">
              <q-td :props="props">
                <q-btn round unelevated color="red" @click="onButtonClick(props.row.id)" label="Your Button Label"></q-btn>

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