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部署 GCP App Engine 时的 FastAPI 待处理请求

[英]FastAPI pending request when deployed GCP App Engine

I'm deployed a FastAPI app to the GCP app engine.我已将 FastAPI 应用程序部署到 GCP 应用程序引擎。 However, I'm getting a HTTP Status Code 500 which's an internal server error and I checked the problem and found out that the favicon.ico is pending all the time.但是,我收到 HTTP 状态代码 500,这是一个内部服务器错误,我检查了问题,发现 favicon.ico 一直处于挂起状态。 What solution could I make to prevent the favicon.ico from pending?我可以采取什么解决方案来防止 favicon.ico 挂起?

Note: The front-end is React and fetching data using Fetch - Github react app link: https://github.com/SaudC21/simple-react-app注意:前端是 React 并使用 Fetch 获取数据 - Github react app 链接: https://github.com/SaudC21/simple-react-app

Here is my FastAPI code:这是我的 FastAPI 代码:

from fastapi import FastAPI
from fastapi.middleware.cors import CORSMiddleware

app = FastAPI()

origins = [


def root():
    return {"Hello World, From Server!"}

This is my app.yaml code:这是我的 app.yaml 代码:

runtime: python310
entrypoint: uvicorn main:app --reload

maybe the response should be a dict, can you try with也许响应应该是一个字典,你可以试试

return {"Hello World": "From Server!"}


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