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如何将具有元组类型键的字典转换为 python 中的字典列表?

[英]How to convert a dictionary with keys of type of tuple to a list of dictionaries in python?

I am using pandas and numpy libraries, to calculate the pearson correlation of two simple lists.我正在使用pandasnumpy库来计算两个简单列表的pearson 相关性 The output of the below code is the matrix of correlation:下面代码的output是相关矩阵:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

x = np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])
y = np.array([2, 1, 4, 5, 8, 12, 18, 25, 96, 48])
x, y = pd.Series(x), pd.Series(y)
xy = pd.DataFrame({'dist-values': x, 'uptime-values': y})
matrix = xy.corr(method="pearson")

After using the .unstack() , and .to_dict() functions on the output we can have a dictionary in the below format:在 output 上使用.unstack().to_dict()函数后,我们可以得到以下格式的字典:

result = matrix.unstack().to_dict()
# {('dist-values', 'dist-values'): 1.0, 
#   ('dist-values', 'uptime-values'): 0.7586402890911869, 
#   ('uptime-values', 'dist-values'): 0.7586402890911869, 
#   ('uptime-values', 'uptime-values'): 1.0}

But I need to convert it to a list of dictionaries, and the output should be like this:但我需要将其转换为字典列表,output 应该是这样的:

#[  {'f1': 'dist-values', 'f2': 'dist-values', 'value': '1.0'}, 
#   {'f1': 'dist-values', 'f2': 'uptime-values', 'value': '0.7586402890911869'}, 
#   {'f1': 'uptime-values', 'f2': 'dist-values', 'value': '0.7586402890911869'}, 
#   {'f1': 'uptime-values', 'f2': 'uptime-values', 'value': '1.0'}
# ]

What's the best and efficient way to do it?最好和最有效的方法是什么?

What about:关于什么:

result = (matrix.unstack().rename_axis(['f1', 'f2'])

output: output:

[{'f1': 'dist-values', 'f2': 'dist-values', 'value': 1.0},
 {'f1': 'dist-values', 'f2': 'uptime-values', 'value': 0.7586402890911869},
 {'f1': 'uptime-values', 'f2': 'dist-values', 'value': 0.7586402890911869},
 {'f1': 'uptime-values', 'f2': 'uptime-values', 'value': 1.0}]

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