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[英]Creating a kendo-autocomplete form component

I'd like to use kendo-autocomplete rather than a select/dropdown menu.我想使用剑道自动完成而不是选择/下拉菜单。 When I try to switch the select component out for kendo-autocomplete, I am no longer able to use the option component.当我尝试将 select 组件切换为剑道自动完成功能时,我不再能够使用选项组件。 I am wondering how I can change this for it to work as intended.我想知道如何更改它以使其按预期工作。

Not working kendo-autocomplete example:不工作的剑道自动完成示例:

<div class="col-sm-12 col-md-4" *ngIf="showFaxNumberInput === true ">
                            <label class="col-sm-3 col-md-5" for="providerRoute">Exception Group</label>
             <div class="col-sm-5 col-md-7 padding-adj">
                      class="form-control input-xs"
                      <option *ngFor="let item of exceptionGroupList" [value]="item.Value">{{item.Text}}</option>

Working drop down example:工作下拉示例:

<div class="col-sm-12 col-md-4" *ngIf="showFaxNumberInput === true ">
                            <label class="col-sm-3 col-md-5" for="providerRoute">Exception Group</label>
                            <div class="col-sm-5 col-md-7 padding-adj">
                                <select formControlName="exceptionGroup" name="exceptionGroup" class="form-control input-xs">
                                    <option value="">Select</option>
                                    <option *ngFor="let item of exceptionGroupList" [value]="item.Value">{{item.Text}}</option>

I can remove the first option tag with a placeholder easily.我可以轻松地删除带有占位符的第一个选项标签。 But the second option tag is what I am having trouble with.但是第二个选项标签是我遇到的麻烦。 I added the ngFor into the kendo-autocomplete tag like this:我将 ngFor 添加到 kendo-autocomplete 标记中,如下所示:

<kendo-autocomplete *ngFor="let item of exceptionGroupList" [value]="item.Value"
                       class="form-control input-xs"

But it just iteratively created several text boxes.但它只是迭代地创建了几个文本框。

Thank you谢谢

It sounds like you want want a ComboBox with filtering.听起来您想要一个带过滤功能的 ComboBox。 As you type in the value, the filters in the dropdown below are filtered.当您输入值时,下面下拉列表中的过滤器将被过滤。

Documentation: https://www.telerik.com/kendo-angular-ui/components/dropdowns/combobox/filtering/ Fiddle: https://codesandbox.io/s/exciting-hugle-tiuxh0?file=/src/app/app.component.ts:133-395 Example: Documentation: https://www.telerik.com/kendo-angular-ui/components/dropdowns/combobox/filtering/ Fiddle: https://codesandbox.io/s/exciting-hugle-tiuxh0?file=/src/app /app.component.ts:133-395示例:

<kendo-combobox [data]="exceptionGroupList"
exceptionGroupList: Array<{ Text: string; Value: number; }> = [
  { Text: 'Some Value', Value: 1 },
  // ...
data: Array<{ Text: string; Value: number }>;
handleFilter(value) {
  this.data = this.exceptionGroupList
    .filter(item => item.Text.toLowerCase().indexOf(value.toLowerCase()) > -1);

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