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带有 M1 的 MacOS 上的 Qbs 支持

[英]Qbs support on MacOS with M1

I'm trying to build my project (which I can build successfully on intel ) on my Mac with M1 chip.我正在尝试使用 M1 芯片在我的 Mac 上构建我的项目(我可以在intel上成功构建)。 I have same version of qbs (1.22.1) on M1 nad intel, but on M1 parsing my qbs file ends with enigmatic error during parsing CppApplication :我在 M1 nad intel 上有相同版本的 qbs (1.22.1),但是在 M1 上解析我的 qbs 文件在解析CppApplication期间以神秘错误结束:

CppApplication {
   name: "TestProject"
Error while handling product `TestProject`
Product `TestProject` had errors and was disabled. 

I have no clue what this error could be.我不知道这个错误可能是什么。 Anyone has any idea?有人有什么想法吗? Thanks!谢谢!

I assume you are building with Qt Creator?我假设您正在使用 Qt Creator 构建? Sometimes the actual error message does not show up in the issues pane (or is difficult to see among all the follow-up errors).有时实际的错误消息不会显示在问题窗格中(或者在所有后续错误中很难看到)。 If you don't see it in "General Messages" either, try building on the command line.如果您也没有在“常规消息”中看到它,请尝试在命令行上构建。 You should get more helpful output there.您应该在那里获得更多帮助 output 。

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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