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Python中的反转计数算法实现,无法解压不可迭代的int object

[英]Inversion Counting Algorithm implementation in Python,cannot unpack non-iterable int object

This is my implementation of the inversion counting algorithm using a divide and conquer approach, the problem i am having is it keeps saying there is a type error, cannot unpack non-iterable int object, in line 45, and line 10这是我使用分而治之的方法实现反转计数算法,我遇到的问题是它一直说存在类型错误,无法解压缩不可迭代的 int object,在第 45 行和第 10 行

  • A is the unsorted list A 是未排序的列表
  • B is the sorted left half of the array B 是已排序的数组左半部分
  • C is the sorted right half of the array C 是排序后的数组右半部分
  • D is the merged and sorted array D 是合并和排序的数组
  • X, Y are the number of inversion in the left/right half of the array respectively X, Y 分别是数组左/右半部分的反转数
  • Z the the inversion that is scattered between B and C, so across the middle Z 散布在 B 和 C 之间的反转,所以穿过中间
# count the number of inversions 
def SortandCount(A:list):
    length = len(A)
    mid = length//2
    firsthalf = A[ : mid]
    secondhalf = A[mid :]
    if length == 1:
        return 0
        B, X = SortandCount(firsthalf)
        C, Y = SortandCount(secondhalf)
        D, Z = CountSplitInv(B, C)
    return D, X + Y + Z

def CountSplitInv(B,C):
    # takes 2 sorted list B C merging it into sorted list D 
    # as well as counting the inversions
    # B = [1,4] C[2,3,5]
    invnum = 0
    D = []
    i = j = 0

    length = len(B)
    while i < length and j <len(C):
        if (B[i] <= C[j] ):
           i +=1
        if(B[i] > C[j]):
            invnum += len(B) - i
    if(i != length):
    if(j != len(C)):
    return D,invnum

def inversions_countin_wrapper(lst: list) -> int:
    return SortandCount(lst)[1]


the error is错误是

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/Algorithms/divide&conquer/inversion.py", line 45, in <module>
  File "/Users/Algorithms/divide&conquer/inversion.py", line 10, in SortandCount
    B, X = SortandCount(firsthalf)
TypeError: cannot unpack non-iterable int object

Appreciate any kind of help,!!感谢任何形式的帮助,!! Please !!!请 !!! Been stuck on this for 3 days (stupid ,i know) >_8<被困在这个问题上 3 天(愚蠢,我知道)>_8<

this is the high level pesudo code i used这是我使用的高级伪代码

B, X = SortandCount(firsthalf)

Requires SortandCount to return two values.要求SortandCount返回两个值。 If the function executes to the end, it will do so.如果 function 执行到最后,它就会这样做。 But what if it terminates early?:但是如果它提前终止呢?

    if length == 1:
        return 0

Then it only returns a 0. So there's no value for X .然后它只返回一个 0。所以X没有价值。 Which is what the error message is telling you.这就是错误消息告诉您的内容。

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