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隐藏元素时未触发 HostListener mouseLeave 和 pointerLeave

[英]HostListener mouseLeave and pointerLeave not triggered when element is hidden

I'm sitting with a problem where I use the following 2 hostlisteners to call a close function on a element.我遇到了一个问题,我使用以下 2 个主机监听器在一个元素上调用关闭 function。


The problem is, the icon it mouseleaves or pointerleaves, is a icon that is shown on hover of another element and hidden when no longer hovering, fixed with css.问题是,它mouseleaves或pointerleaves的图标,是在另一个元素的hover上显示的图标,不再悬停时隐藏,用css修复。

My assumption is that if you leave the element fast enough, the display:none is set which will make the hostlisteners not called anymore, so the close function is no longer called.我的假设是,如果您离开元素的速度足够快,则 display:none 已设置,这将使主机侦听器不再被调用,因此不再调用 close function。

Anyone has a fix for this?有人对此有解决办法吗?

Turned out to have pointer-events:none;原来有pointer-events:none; on the css somewhere which breaks this!在 css 某处打破了这个!

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