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将 VOB/BUP 文件转换为 .mp4 并将它们存储在 S3 存储桶中

[英]Convert VOB/BUP files to .mp4 and store them in S3 bucket

So as the title says, I have a couple of files in the VOB/BUP format that I need to convert first to.mp4 (I also have.IFO files and I don't know what that is) and then check for a public url to display them (S3 Bucket) But I don't know which one is the correct service.所以正如标题所说,我有几个 VOB/BUP 格式的文件,我需要先转换为 .mp4(我也有 .IFO 文件,但我不知道那是什么),然后检查是否公开url 显示它们(S3 Bucket)但我不知道哪一个是正确的服务。

I have read about MediaConvert , but I'm not quite sure this is the right service for my need.我已阅读有关MediaConvert的信息,但我不太确定这是适合我需要的服务。

Thanks in advance for any tips.提前感谢您的任何提示。

VOB/BUP/IFO files are typically found on a DVD where: VOB/BUP/IFO 文件通常可以在 DVD 上找到,其中:

  • IFO files are an index and hold information about the disc contents IFO 文件是一个索引并保存有关光盘内容的信息
  • BUP files are backup versions of the IFO files BUP 文件是 IFO 文件的备份版本
  • VOB files hold the video and audio content VOB 文件保存视频和音频内容

AWS Elemental MediaConvert does not support these as an input (1). AWS Elemental MediaConvert 不支持将这些作为输入 (1)。 To convert these, you can consider leveraging a different tool that is capable, for example FFMPeg.要转换这些,您可以考虑利用其他功能强大的工具,例如 FFMPeg。 Here is an example batch script you can reference that does this: https://gist.github.com/andreasbotsikas/8bad3df5309dd0383f2e2c450b22481c这是您可以参考的示例批处理脚本: https://gist.github.com/andreasbotsikas/8bad3df5309dd0383f2e2c450b22481c

You can also potentially have this workflow run on AWS by using AWS Lambda to run FFMPeg (2).您还可以通过使用 AWS Lambda 运行 FFMPeg (2) 在 AWS 上运行此工作流。


  1. Supported input codecs and containers: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/mediaconvert/latest/ug/reference-codecs-containers-input.html支持的输入编解码器和容器: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/mediaconvert/latest/ug/reference-codecs-containers-input.html
  2. Processing user-generated content using AWS Lambda and FFmpeg: https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/media/processing-user-generated-content-using-aws-lambda-and-ffmpeg/使用 AWS Lambda 和 FFmpeg 处理用户生成的内容: https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/media/processing-user-generated-content-using-aws

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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