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我的 github 操作一直失败,我不知道为什么

[英]My github action keeps failing and I have no idea why

I wrote a github action to build and deploy my app and it fails with no definitive error.我写了一个 github 操作来构建和部署我的应用程序,它失败了,没有明确的错误。

Here is an SS of the error .这是错误的SS

Here is an SS of the main.yml in my workflow这是我的工作流程中 main.yml 的 SS

I actually figured out what was wrong, I had a build config switched on that was treating warnings as errors, the build process kept failing because of warnings.我实际上找出了问题所在,我打开了一个构建配置,将警告视为错误,构建过程由于警告而不断失败。 The solution was to switch it off like so;解决方案是像这样关闭它;


"build": "react-scripts build"


"build": "CI=false react-scripts build"

in my package json.在我的 package json 中。

By default the build process during the build process reads默认情况下,构建过程中的构建过程读取

"build": "CI=true react-scripts build"

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