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使用 jQuery 防止 Elementor 表单提交

[英]Prevent Elementor form submission with jQuery

We have a simple Elementor form with one field for an email address and a submit button, for people to sign up to a newsletter.我们有一个简单的 Elementor 表单,其中一个字段用于 email 地址和一个提交按钮,供人们注册时事通讯。

I'm trying to add some custom validation to only allow submissions from .co.uk , .gov.uk , and gmail.com email addresses, and prevent submission if the input doesn't match one of those.我正在尝试添加一些自定义验证,以仅允许来自.co.uk.gov.ukgmail.com email 的提交地址与其中一个地址匹配,并阻止提交。

The validation itself works, in the sense that it displays the custom error message when appropriate, but it's not preventing submissions despite calling e.preventDefault() , e.stopPropagation();验证本身有效,因为它在适当时显示自定义错误消息,但尽管调用e.preventDefault()e.stopPropagation();但它并没有阻止提交。 , and return false; ,并return false; . .

Every thread I've looked at says this should work in theory but perhaps it's different with Elementor forms?我看过的每个线程都说这在理论上应该有效,但也许它与 Elementor forms 不同? Any ideas?有任何想法吗?

(function($) {
  $(document).ready(function() {
    const accepted = ['.co.uk', '.gov.uk', 'gmail.com'],
      form = $('#mail_signup');

    $(form).submit(function(e) {

      const email = $('#form-field-email').val(),
        valid = accepted.some(accepted => email.includes(accepted));

      if (!valid) {
        $(form).after('<p class="mail-form-invalid" style="color: #f00;">Sorry, we only allow submissions from .co.uk, .gov.uk and gmail.com.</p>');
        return false;

Thanks to Rory McCrossan's comment I was able to update my code to listen for the submit button click instead:感谢 Rory McCrossan 的评论,我能够更新我的代码来监听提交按钮的点击:

            const accepted = ['.co.uk','.gov.uk','gmail.com'],
                  form = $('#mail_signup'),
                  input = $('#form-field-email'),
                  submit = $(form).find('button[type="submit"]');
            function validate(e){
                const email = $(input).val(),
                      valid = accepted.some( accepted => email.includes( accepted ) );
                if (!valid) {
                    $(form).after('<p class="mail-form-invalid" style="color: #f00; margin-top: 10px;">Sorry, we only allow submissions from .co.uk, .gov.uk and gmail.com.</p>');
                    return false;

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