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System.Collections.Python 中的通用列表“类型错误:预期类型”错误

[英]System.Collections.Generic lists in Python 'TypeError: type(s) expeected' error

I am trying to run the following piece of code:我正在尝试运行以下代码:

import clr
import sys
#import System.Collections
from System.Collections.Generic import List
from System import String

class MyClass(object):
    def __init__(self, e=""):
        self.title = e

li = List[MyClass]()


However, I am getting the error 'TypeError: type(s) expected' and cannot understand how to solve it.但是,我收到错误“TypeError: type(s) expected”并且无法理解如何解决它。

This is related to System.Collections.Generic lists in Python这与 System.Collections.Python 中的通用列表有关


In Python.NET you can't use .NET lists to store Python objects in a strongly-typed way unless you do one of the following:在 Python.NET 中,您不能使用 .NET 列表以强类型方式存储 Python 对象,除非您执行以下操作之一:

  • derive your Python class from a .NET type从 .NET 类型派生您的 Python class
class MyClass(System.Object):
   # without __namespace__ - regular Python type
  __namespace__ = "MyNamespace"
  • use List<System.Object> or List<Python.Runtime.PyObject>使用List<System.Object>List<Python.Runtime.PyObject>

  • have a List<X> with a Python to .NET codec for the .NET type X 对于List<X> type X


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