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无法插入 Cassandra 表,出现 SyntaxError

[英]Cannot insert into Cassandra table, getting SyntaxError

(This is my first question here on StackOverflow:)) (这是我在 StackOverflow 上的第一个问题 :))

I have an assignment where I have to build a Cassandra database.我有一个任务,我必须构建一个 Cassandra 数据库。 I have connected Cassandra with IntelliJ, i'm writing in java and the output is shown in the command line.我已将 Cassandra 与 IntelliJ 连接,我正在编写 java 并且 output 显示在命令行中。

My keyspace farm_db contains a couple of tables in wish i'm would like to insert data.我的farm_db包含几个表,希望我想插入数据。 I would like to insert the data with two columns and a list all in one row, in the table 'farmers'.我想在“农民”表中插入包含两列和一个列表的数据。 This is a part of my database so far:到目前为止,这是我的数据库的一部分:

cqlsh:farm_db> use farm_db;
cqlsh:farm_db> Describe tables;

farmers              foods_dairy_eggs        foods_meat
foods_bread_cookies  foods_fruit_vegetables

cqlsh:farm_db> select * from farmers;

 farmer_id | delivery | the_farmer

This is what i'm trying to do:这就是我想要做的:

[Picture of what i'm trying to do][1] [我正在尝试做的图片][1]

I need to insert the collection types 'list' and 'map' in 'farmers' but after a couple of failed attempts with that I tried using hashmap and arraylist instead.我需要在“farmers”中插入集合类型“list”和“map”,但经过几次失败的尝试后,我尝试使用 hashmap 和 arraylist 代替。 I think this could work but i seem to have an error in my syntax and I have no idea what the problem seem to be:我认为这可以工作,但我的语法似乎有错误,我不知道问题似乎是什么:

Exception in thread "main" com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.SyntaxError: line 1:31 mismatched input 'int' expecting ')' (INSERT INTO farmers (farmer_id [int]...)

Am I missing something or am I doing something wrong?我错过了什么还是我做错了什么?

This is my code:这是我的代码:

public class FarmersClass {

public static String serverIP = "";
public static String keyspace = "";

//Create db
public void crateDatabase(String databaseName) {
    Cluster cluster = Cluster.builder()

    keyspace = databaseName;
    Session session = cluster.connect();
    String create_db_query = "CREATE KEYSPACE farm_db WITH replication "
            + "= {'class':'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor':1};";


//Create table
public void createFarmersTable() {

    Cluster cluster = Cluster.builder()

    Session session = cluster.connect("farm_db");
    String create_farm_table_query = "CREATE TABLE farmers(farmer_id int PRIMARY KEY, the_farmer Map <text, text>, delivery list<text>); ";


//Insert data in table 'farmer'.
public void insertFarmers(int id, HashMap< String, String> the_farmer, ArrayList <String> delivery) {

    Cluster cluster = Cluster.builder()
    Session session = cluster.connect("farm_db");
    String insert_query = "INSERT INTO farmers (farmer_id int PRIMARY KEY, the_farmer, delivery) values (" + id + "," + the_farmer + "," + delivery + ");";


public static void main(String[] args) {

    FarmersClass farmersClass = new FarmersClass();

    //  FarmersClass.crateDatabase("farm_db");

    //  FarmersClass.createFarmersTable();

    //Collection type map
    HashMap<String, String> the_farmer = new HashMap<>();
    the_farmer.put("Name", "Ana Petersen ");
    the_farmer.put("Farmhouse", "The great farmhouse");
    the_farmer.put("Foods", "Fruits & Vegetables");

    //Collection type list
    ArrayList<String> delivery = new ArrayList<String>();
    String delivery_1 = "Village 1";
    String delivery_2 = "Village 2";

    FarmersClass.insertFarmers(1, the_farmer, delivery);

The problem is the syntax of your CQL INSERT query:问题是 CQL INSERT查询的语法:

    String insert_query = \
        "INSERT INTO farmers (farmer_id int PRIMARY KEY, the_farmer, delivery)  \
        values (" + id + "," + the_farmer + "," + delivery + ");";

You've incorrectly added int PRIMARY KEY in the list of columns.您在列列表中错误地添加了int PRIMARY KEY

The correct format is:正确的格式是:

INSERT INTO table_name (pk, col2, col3) VALUES ( ... )

For details and examples, see CQL INSERT .有关详细信息和示例,请参阅CQL INSERT Cheers!干杯!

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