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如何获取 tkinter 中 columnconfigure 的权重?

[英]How to get the weights of columnconfigure in tkinter?

I want to get the weights of all the grid columns in a frame and apply the same weights to a different frame with the same number of columns.我想获取框架中所有网格列的权重,并将相同的权重应用于具有相同列数的不同框架。

If you call columnconfigure while only passing a column index, it will return a dictionary with all of the configuration values for that column.如果在仅传递列索引时调用columnconfigure ,它将返回包含该列所有配置值的字典。 You can loop over each column to get the weight and apply it to the other frame.您可以遍历每一列以获取权重并将其应用于另一帧。

The following example assumes you have 6 columns.以下示例假设您有 6 列。 Frame f1 has already been configured, and f2 should be given all of the same weights as f1 .框架f1已经被配置,并且f2应该被赋予与f1相同的权重。

for column in range(6):
    weight = f1.grid_columnconfigure(column)['weight']
    f2.grid_columnconfigure(column, weight=weight)

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