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PostgreSQL 禁用自动小写列名

[英]PostgreSQL disable auto lowercase column name

I have created a PostgreSQL database 12.7 and converted it to an esri geodatbases, then I copied the tables and feature classes from a file geodatabases, this caused the al column names to be lowercases however we are already integrating with an API that is case sensitive and needs the column names as per the design example IDs are upper case and fields are camle case.我创建了一个 PostgreSQL 数据库 12.7 并将其转换为 esri 地理数据库,然后我从文件地理数据库中复制了表和要素类,这导致 al 列名称为小写,但是我们已经与区分大小写的 API 集成需要根据设计示例的列名,ID 为大写,字段为 camle 大小写。

is there any PostgreSQL setting to disable this auto to lower column names?是否有任何 PostgreSQL 设置来禁用此自动以降低列名? because when we quoted the column names the gis system could not find the columns with quoted names.因为当我们引用列名时,gis 系统找不到带有引用名的列。

The only way to prevent PostgreSQL from folding into lowercase is to use double quoted identifiers.防止 PostgreSQL 折叠成小写的唯一方法是使用双引号标识符。 This is already sort of answered here .这已经有点回答here了 It also includes a link to the manual on identifiers.它还包括标识符手册的链接。

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