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将 CSV 列值清除为 JSON 到 C# object

[英]clean CSV column value as JSON to C# object

I've got some text written in a CSV column that is supposed to represent a JSON string:我在 CSV 列中写了一些文本,该列应该代表 JSON 字符串:

"text": "foil text1",
"image": "existing_image_uploaded.png",
    "score": false

"text": "foil text2",
"image": "existing_image_uploaded2.png",
    "score": true

This CSV text comes out as the following string:此 CSV 文本显示为以下字符串:

 var foils = "{\n    \"text\": \"foil text1\",\n    \"image\": \"existing_image_uploaded.png\",\n        
 \"score\": false\n},\n\n{\n    \"text\": \"foil text2\",\n    \"image\": 
 \"existing_image_uploaded2.png\",\n        \"score\": true\n}"

I would like to convert this text to a List of the following class我想将此文本转换为以下 class 的列表

public class FoilJSON{
    public string text {get;set;}
    public string image {get;set;}
    public bool score {get;set;}

This is the way I would like to convert the JSON to a List of FoilJSON这是我想将 JSON 转换为 FoilJSON 列表的方式

var converted = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<List<FoilJSON>>(foils);

However the string foils is not in a proper JSON format to convert to a base class.但是,字符串箔不是正确的 JSON 格式,无法转换为基本 class。
Is there a C# library or method to remove all the CSV garbage within the foils string?是否有 C# 库或方法来删除箔字符串中的所有 CSV 垃圾?

var foils = "[{\n    \"text\": \"foil text1\",\n    \"image\": \"existing_image_uploaded.png\",\n        
 \"score\": false\n},\n\n{\n    \"text\": \"foil text2\",\n    \"image\": 
 \"existing_image_uploaded2.png\",\n        \"score\": true\n}]"

You have to have square brackets to have a list otherwise you simply have two objects separated by a comma... doesn't really make it a correct json你必须有方括号才能有一个列表,否则你只是有两个用逗号分隔的对象......并不能真正使它成为正确的 json

try this尝试这个

foils = "[" + foils + "]";

List<FoilJSON> converted = System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Deserialize<List<FoilJSON>>(foils);

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