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无法使用 Laragon 运行 PHP 网站,因为“此站点无法提供安全连接 localhost 发送了无效响应。” 错误

[英]Can't run PHP website with Laragon because of "This site can’t provide a secure connection localhost sent an invalid response." error

When I try to run a PHP website with Laragon I get This site can't provide a secure connection localhost sent an invalid response. Try running Windows Network Diagnostics. ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR当我尝试使用 Laragon 运行 PHP 网站时,我得到This site can't provide a secure connection localhost sent an invalid response. Try running Windows Network Diagnostics. ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR This site can't provide a secure connection localhost sent an invalid response. Try running Windows Network Diagnostics. ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR

I already changed the hostname template within Laragon to {name}.local and {name}.mc but didn't worked.我已经将 Laragon 中的主机名模板更改为 {name}.local 和 {name}.mc 但没有奏效。 What should I do?我应该怎么办? (Other PHP built websites are still working) (其他PHP建的网站还在工作)

I right clicked on Apache in Laragon, turned SSL on and now it works.我在 Laragon 中右键单击 Apache,打开 SSL,现在它可以工作了。

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