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从 Azure 服务总线主题到 C# 删除订阅

[英]Deleting subscriptions from Azure Service Bus Topic through C#

Is there any way to delete subscriptions from Azure Service Bus Topic, through C# code?有没有办法通过 C# 代码从 Azure 服务总线主题中删除订阅? (I know how to delete it only through the Azure portal website) (我知道怎么删除只能通过Azure门户网站)

This can be done with the ManagementClient.DeleteSubscriptionAsync Method :这可以通过ManagementClient.DeleteSubscriptionAsync 方法完成:

topicPath : String主题路径:字符串
The name of the topic relative to the service namespace base address.相对于服务命名空间基地址的主题名称。
subscriptionName : String订阅名称:字符串
The name of the subscription to delete.要删除的订阅的名称。

Topic: lorem主题:lorem
Subscription: ipsum订阅:ipsum


var serviceBusConnectionString = "Endpoint=sb://sample.servicebus.windows.net/;SharedAccessKeyName=RootManageSharedAccessKey;SharedAccessKey=K34CMjptykdwvAT9t7Frz3DX8OlelvSOBWxZfW8oFZwPg=";
var managementClient = new ManagementClient(serviceBusConnectionString);
await managementClient.DeleteSubscriptionAsync("lorem", "ipsum");

NuGet: Azure Service Bus client library for .NET NuGet:Azure 服务总线客户端库,用于 .NET

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