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[英]Create new column with elements of the first list if value is equal to the second list elements

I have a dataset df1 with two columns:我有一个包含两列的数据集 df1:

df1 = pd.DataFrame(data = d1)

And 2 lists with the same length (but not the same length than the df1):以及 2 个长度相同的列表(但长度与 df1 不同):


I would like to add in my column 'sl' (df1), the values of the list2 if the value of my column 1 (of df1) is equal to the elements of the list1.如果我的列 1(df1)的值等于 list1 的元素,我想在我的列“sl”(df1)中添加 list2 的值。

I mean, expected output for df1:我的意思是,预计 df1 的 output :

0 sl
9 2
9 2
26 1
28 1
43 1
43 1
43 1
43 1
44 1
85 1

I have tried a lot of solution before posting but without success...我在发布之前尝试了很多解决方案,但没有成功......

Thanks a lot,非常感谢,


Use Series.map by dictionary created by zip by both lists:使用Series.mapzip创建的字典由两个列表:

df1 = pd.DataFrame(data = d1)


df1['sl']= df1[0].map(dict(zip(list1, list2)))
print (df1)
    0  sl
0   9   2
1   9   2
2  26   1
3  28   1
4  43   1
5  43   1
6  43   1
7  44   1
8  85   1

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