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循环等待。 (再次)

[英]Await in a loop. (again)

This problem seems like a rerun of a nightmare for me.这个问题对我来说似乎是一场噩梦的重演。 The project is to train a chatbot using gpt3 and I'm experimenting with embeddings.该项目是使用 gpt3 训练一个聊天机器人,我正在尝试嵌入。

I've got document, and I'm trying to create embeddings for the different sections.我有文档,我正在尝试为不同的部分创建嵌入。 getEmbeddings() appears to return a value according to my testing.根据我的测试,getEmbeddings() 似乎返回了一个值。 However, when my loop ends, I don't seem to have an embedding on my section (there's only one... it costs money to make embeddings so I'm only running the loop once until I get it working).但是,当我的循环结束时,我的部分似乎没有嵌入(只有一个......制作嵌入需要花钱,所以我只运行一次循环,直到我让它工作)。

What am I doing wrong?我究竟做错了什么?


async function begin(){
    let sections = [];

    let inputFileName = "sourceDocument.jsonl";
    let filecontents = fs.readFileSync(inputFileName,{encoding:'utf-8'})
    let inputRows = [] = String(filecontents).split(/\r?\n/);

        for(let i = 0; i < inputRows.length; i++) {
            let row = inputRows[i];
            if(row.trim().length == 0) continue;
            let dataObject = JSON.parse(row);
            let text = dataObject.completion;
            let section = new Section();
            let titleend =  text.indexOf("'>")
            section.title = text.substring(1,titleend);
            section.text = String(text).substring( (titleend + 2), (text.length - 10) );
            section.embedding = await getEmbedding(section.text);


async function getEmbedding(textSample){
    const embeddingModel = "text-search-davinci-doc-001";

        console.log(`DEBUG: getEmbedding(${textSample})`);

        "Authorization":`Bearer ${OPENAI_API_KEY}`

    let data = {
        "input"         :   textSample,
        "model"         :   embeddingModel

    let res;
    await axios.post(EMBEDDINGS, data, {headers:OPENAI_REQEST_HEADERS})
    .then((response) => {
        if(DEBUGGING) {
            console.log("   Embedding:  " + response.data.data[0].embedding);
        let embedding = response.data.data[0].embedding;
        return embedding;
    .catch((error) => {
        console.log("Error posting to OpenAI:");

Either use async / await or use the native then pattern of Promises, but try to avoid using both - it gets confusing and thats where you've gone wrong.要么使用async / await ,要么使用 Promises 的原生then模式,但尽量避免同时使用这两种模式——它会让人感到困惑,这就是你出错的地方。 Your return statement returns from the then method, but not from the outer getEmbedding method itself.您的return语句从then方法返回,而不是从外部getEmbedding方法本身返回。

There are 2 ways to solve this - one is to return the result of axios.post but the other, somewhat easier to read method uses async / await throughout有两种方法可以解决这个问题 - 一种是返回axios.post的结果,但另一种更容易阅读的方法始终使用async / await

async function getEmbedding(textSample){
    const embeddingModel = "text-search-davinci-doc-001";

        console.log(`DEBUG: getEmbedding(${textSample})`);

        "Authorization":`Bearer ${OPENAI_API_KEY}`

    let data = {
        "input"         :   textSample,
        "model"         :   embeddingModel

        const response = await axios.post(EMBEDDINGS, data, {headers:OPENAI_REQEST_HEADERS});
        if(DEBUGGING) {
            console.log("   Embedding:  " + response.data.data[0].embedding);
        return response.data.data[0].embedding;
       console.log("Error posting to OpenAI:");

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