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我的 AND 不再起作用了,它不仅显示了我希望它等于的值

[英]my AND isn't working again, it isn't only showing what I want it to equal

So I had similar questions and it was answered, but this time I have the parenthesis in the right places and my last AND function isn't properly working, the property_type is showing other results than just "sidewalk".所以我有类似的问题并且得到了回答,但是这次我的括号在正确的位置,而我的最后一个 AND function 无法正常工作,property_type 显示的结果不仅仅是“人行道”。在此处输入图像描述

footprint_length,number_of_docks , property_type, station_id
footprint_length  > 45
 AND (number_of_docks BETWEEN 1 AND 17) OR (number_of_docks = 19)
 AND property_type  = "sidewalk" 

Your current criteria is equivalent to:您当前的标准相当于:

    footprint_length  > 45 AND 
    number_of_docks BETWEEN 1 AND 17 AND 
    property_type  = "sidewalk" 
  number_of_docks = 19

In other words OR number_of_docks=19 applies even if footprint_length <=45!换句话说,即使footprint_length <=45, OR number_of_docks=19也适用!

Did you want:你想要:

    footprint_length  > 45 AND 
    property_type  = "sidewalk" AND
        (number_of_docks BETWEEN 1 AND 17)
        number_of_docks = 19

?? ??

If your goal is to show cases where the number of docks is between 1 and 17 or 19, I would delete the closed parenthesis after 17 and the open one before "number".如果您的目标是显示码头数量在 1 到 17 或 19 之间的情况,我会删除 17 之后的右括号和“数字”之前的开括号。

AND (number_of_docks BETWEEN 1 AND 17 OR number_of_docks = 19)

Currently, if number_of_docks=19 evaluates to true, the whole condition will probably show true.目前,如果 number_of_docks=19 评估为真,则整个条件可能会显示为真。

Perhaps more simply, you could avoid the OR and parenthesis altogether and just change your range to 1-19 and then weed out 18 since that is effectively what you're doing anyway with the OR.也许更简单地说,您可以完全避免 OR 和括号,只需将您的范围更改为 1-19,然后清除 18,因为这实际上是您对 OR 所做的事情。 AND is usually a little easier to manage in my opinion.在我看来,AND 通常更容易管理。

AND number_of_docks BETWEEN 1 AND 19 AND number_of_docks != 18 AND property_type='sidewalk'

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