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将用户定义的 function 在 select 语句中与 INSERT 结合使用

[英]Using a user-defined function in select statement on a column in conjunction with INSERT

INSERT INTO CoursesStudent(

                SELECT [StudentName]
                FROM [192.xxx.xxx.xxx].studentsDb.dbo.CoursesStudent
                WHERE [Id] = @Id

I am trying to insert all the matching data from table to table which are same but on different db servers.我正在尝试将所有匹配的数据从一个表插入到另一个表,这些数据相同但在不同的数据库服务器上。 It works since它的工作原理是

This sp is called when a user press a 'pull' button on the interface hence copying data from one to another server.当用户按下界面上的“拉”按钮从而将数据从一个服务器复制到另一台服务器时,将调用此 sp。

but now the issue is since we have a Course_Id which is a foreign key from another master table ie Courses (Id, CourseName).但现在的问题是因为我们有一个Course_Id ,它是另一个主表的外键,即Courses (Id, CourseName).

Now all is good since all the data is same hence Primary key from Courses are same in both tables on both servers but if a record in Courses table is created manually in source db eg with Id= 29 and the data copied using the query above from source to target db then it will have a Course_Id in target db's table (CoursesStudent) which doesn't exist in the Courses table on target db since we are not syncing the master tables ie Courses .现在一切都很好,因为所有数据都是相同的,因此来自Courses的主键在两个服务器上的两个表中都是相同的,但是如果Courses表中的记录是在源数据库中手动创建的,例如Id= 29并且使用上面的查询从源到目标数据库然后它将在目标数据库的表(CoursesStudent)中有一个Course_Id ,它在目标数据库的Courses表中不存在,因为我们没有同步主表,即Courses

Now, my idea is to create a USER-DEFINED function ie CheckCourseAvailability with CourseID as a param that would fetch the CourseName from Source Course table and check in the target Courses table if it doesn't exist then INSERT and get its Id and return hence using the return value as a Course_ID in the query above.现在,我的想法是创建一个用户定义的 function 即CheckCourseAvailabilityCourseID作为参数,将从源课程表中获取CourseName并检查目标Courses表,如果它不存在然后INSERT并获取其Id并返回在上面的查询中使用返回值作为 Course_ID。

Would this work if use like this如果像这样使用这会起作用吗

INSERT INTO CoursesStudent( [StudentName],[Course_Id] )插入课程学生([StudentName],[Course_Id])

            SELECT [StudentName]
            FROM [192.xxx.xxx.xxx].studentsDb.dbo.CoursesStudent
            WHERE [Id] = @Id

would it be ok?可以吗? Or do you have any other better idea?或者你还有什么更好的主意吗?

Note: CourseName is unique注意: CourseName是唯一的

It's the wrong path.这是错误的道路。 You need to do two tasks:你需要做两个任务:

  1. Synchronise your Courses tables.同步您的课程表。


INSERT INTO Courses (Id, CourseName)
SELECT [Id],[CourseName]
FROM [192.xxx.xxx.xxx].studentsDb.dbo.Courses
WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT TOP(1) Id FROM your_primary_db.dbo.Courses.id = [192.xxx.xxx.xxx].studentsDb.dbo.Courses.Id)
  1. Insert new records to Course Student after that.之后将新记录插入课程学生。

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