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启用 CSRF 时无法访问 Spring 安全/登录端点

[英]Can't access Spring Security /login endpoint when CSRF is enabled

I've found quite a few questions about this, but no real answers in my case.我发现了很多关于这个的问题,但在我的案例中没有真正的答案。 I am using Spring with Java on my back-end and a React front-end with Axios JS.我在后端使用 Spring 和 Java,在 React 前端使用 Axios JS。 When trying to access the /login endpoint to authenticate via form login, I get a 403 response due to an invalid CSRF token.当尝试访问/login端点以通过表单登录进行身份验证时,由于 CSRF 令牌无效,我收到 403 响应。

Is there a way around this besides disabling CSRF for /login ?除了为/login禁用 CSRF 之外,还有其他方法吗? Is that considered "secure"?这被认为是“安全的”吗? It is my understanding that the server will send the CSRF token, and my front-end does not communicate with the back-end before authenticating via /login .据我了解,服务器将发送 CSRF 令牌,而我的前端在通过/login进行身份验证之前不会与后端通信。 Below are my security configuration and Axios call.以下是我的安全配置和 Axios 调用。


public SecurityFilterChain securityFilterChain(HttpSecurity httpSecurity) throws Exception {
    CsrfTokenRepository repository = CookieCsrfTokenRepository.withHttpOnlyFalse();

    Customizer<CorsConfigurer<HttpSecurity>> corsCustomizer = Customizer.withDefaults();

    AuthenticationSuccessHandler successHandler = (request, response, authentication) -> {
        int status = HttpStatus.OK.value();


    AuthenticationFailureHandler failureHandler = (request, response, exception) -> {
        int status = HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED.value();


    Customizer<ExceptionHandlingConfigurer<HttpSecurity>> exceptionCustomizer = (configurer) -> {
        HttpStatusEntryPoint entryPoint = new HttpStatusEntryPoint(HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED);



    return httpSecurity.build();
} //securityFilterChain
const formData = new FormData();

formData.append("username", username);

formData.append("password", password);

const config = {
    "withCredentials": true

const axios = require("axios").default;

return new Promise<void> ((resolve, reject) => {
    axios.post("http://localhost:8080/login", formData, config)
         .then((response: AxiosResponse) => {
         .catch(() => {

At time 0 you don't have a CSRF cookie, so you need to retrieve it.在时间 0,您没有 CSRF cookie,因此您需要检索它。 Make any GET call first and be sure to always send the token.首先进行任何 GET 调用,并确保始终发送令牌。

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