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[英]How to transform table with several columns into a keyword table

I have a table with columns like CustID, FirstName, LastName, PhoneNumber, Membershiplevel, etc .我有一个表,其中包含CustID, FirstName, LastName, PhoneNumber, Membershiplevel, etc列。

I want to produce a table with these columns: CustID, Keyword, Value .我想生成一个包含这些列的表: CustID, Keyword, Value

The column names would be the keywords, and there would be a row for every keyword.列名将是关键字,每个关键字都会有一行。

So this:所以这:

CustID, FirstName, LastName, PhoneNumber,  MembershipLevel
1234    Joe        Smith     555-555-5555, Select

Would become会成为

CustID, Keyword    , Value
1234  , FirstName  , Joe
1234  , LastName   , Smith
1234  , PhoneNumber, 555-555-5555
1234  , MembershipLevel, Select

I know I could painstakingly accomplish this using dynamic SQL, but is there a straightforward, "SQL" way to do this without resorting to procedural T-SQL?我知道我可以使用动态 SQL 煞费苦心地完成此任务,但是否有一种简单的“SQL”方式可以在不诉诸过程 T-SQL 的情况下做到这一点?

use CROSS APPLY operator with VALUES constructorCROSS APPLY运算符与VALUES构造函数一起使用

select a.*
from   tbl
       cross apply
           (CustID, 'FirstName', FirstName),
           (CustID, 'LastName', FirstName),
           (CustID, 'PhoneNumber', PhoneNumber),
           (CustID, 'MembershipLevel',MembershipLevel)
       ) a (CustID, KeyWord, Value)

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