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Select VSCode 中当前选择的所有出现

[英]Select all occurrences of current selection in VSCode

In my VSCode there's nothing option about "Select all occurrences of current selection".在我的 VSCode 中,没有关于“选择所有出现的当前选择”的选项。 How can I add it?我怎样才能添加它? or How can I reset the keybinding?或如何重置键绑定?

This is my option:这是我的选择:这是我的选择

If you select a part of a text file and execute the command Select All Occurrences of Find Match it does the following:如果您将 select 作为文本文件的一部分并执行命令Select All Occurrences of Find Match ,它会执行以下操作:

  1. Select Part of a Text file Select 文本文件的一部分
  2. Execute Select All Occurrences of Find Match command from the command menu从命令菜单执行Select All Occurrences of Find Match命令
  3. All occurences of the text snippet are now selected and can be edited现在选择所有出现的文本片段并且可以编辑

If you change the keybinding of just the Select All Occurrences of Find Match command, this allows you to use that keybinding to do what I just described above.如果您仅更改Select All Occurrences of Find Match命令的键绑定,则允许您使用该键绑定来执行我刚才描述的操作。

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