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[英]Create circular areas around a coordinate

I need to create circular areas around a coordinate to identify points inside this circular area.我需要围绕坐标创建圆形区域以识别该圆形区域内的点。 Any ideas how can I do this the easiest way in R?任何想法如何在 R 中以最简单的方式做到这一点?

You can do this with the sf package.您可以使用 sf package 做到这一点。 Will need to bring in your data, this differs if you have a spatail data file, or are getting your data from tables.需要引入你的数据,如果你有一个 spatail 数据文件,或者从表中获取数据,这会有所不同。 Then buffer your co-ordinate to get your circular polygon, then intersect that against your points ot get only those that overlap.然后缓冲你的坐标以获得你的圆形多边形,然后将它与你的点相交,而不是只得到那些重叠的点。


##if from table data###
CO_ORD <- st_as_sf(x =  "co-ord-data-file.csv", coords=c("Long", "Lat"))

POINTS <- st_as_sf(x = "points-data-file.csv", coords=c("Long", "Lat"))

###if from spatail data file####

CO_ORD <- st_read(dsn="co-ord-spatial-data.gdb", layer="co-ord-layer")

POINTS <- st_read(dsn="poins-spatial-data.gdb", layer="points-layer")

CO_ORD_BUFF <- st_buffer(x = CO_ORD, dist=500)


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