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Google Colab Python 版本不变

[英]Google Colab Python version not changing

I want to change the python version on my Google Colab.我想在我的 Google Colab 上更改 python 版本。 Currently, it's running python 3.7:目前,它正在运行 python 3.7:

[In]: ! python --version
[Out]: Python 3.7.13

I want python 3.10, so I followed the instructions in this post :我想要 python 3.10,所以我按照这篇文章中的说明进行操作:

! sudo apt-get update -y
! sudo apt-get install python3.10
! sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python3 python3 /usr/bin/python3.10 1
! sudo update-alternatives --config python3

Here, a list is printed, and I choose python 3.10.这里打印了一个列表,我选择 python 3.10。 Then然后

! sudo apt install python3-pip

Now, when I query the python version, it shows 3.10:现在,当我查询 python 版本时,它显示 3.10:

[In]: ! python --version
[Out]: Python 3.10.6

So far so good!到目前为止,一切都很好! BUT , now there are two problems:但是,现在有两个问题:

  1. pip seems to be completely broken ; pip 似乎完全坏了 I can't pip install anything, eg both !pip install gym and !pip3 install gym give the following error:我不能 pip 安装任何东西,例如!pip install gym!pip3 install gym都会出现以下错误:
AttributeError: module 'collections' has no attribute 'MutableMapping'
  1. Python version shows 3.10, but seems to be still 3.7, as newer syntax throws syntax error , eg: Python 版本显示 3.10,但似乎仍然是 3.7,因为较新的语法会引发语法错误,例如:
[In]: (a := 3)
[Out]: SyntaxError: invalid syntax
[In]: a: list[int] = [1]
[Out]: TypeError: 'type' object is not subscriptable

you must downgrade python.您必须降级 python。

Deprecated since version 3.3, will be removed in version 3.10: Moved Collections Abstract Base Classes to the collections.abc module.自 3.3 版起已弃用,将在 3.10 版中删除:将 Collections 抽象基类移至 collections.abc 模块。 For backwards compatibility, they continue to be visible in this module through Python 3.9.为了向后兼容,它们通过 Python 3.9 在此模块中继续可见。

Ref.参考。 https://docs.python.org/3.9/library/collections.html https://docs.python.org/3.9/library/collections.html

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