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UWP:如何从 XAML 中的基础 class 绑定属性

[英]UWP: How to bind a property from a base class in XAML

For the past couple of days I have been tinkering trying to find a solution for the given situation below.在过去的几天里,我一直在尝试为以下给定情况寻找解决方案。

I have a base class AppColors containing different color properties:我有一个包含不同颜色属性的基础 class AppColors

public class AppColors
    public static Brush ColorTransparent    { get; private set; }
    public static Brush ColorBlack          { get; private set; }
    public AppColors()
        ColorTransparent = new SolidColorBrush(U.Hex2Color("#00ffffff"));
        ColorBlack       = new SolidColorBrush(U.Hex2Color("#ff000000"));

My ColorPage ViewModel uses the AppColors class as its base:我的ColorPage ViewModel 使用AppColors class 作为其基础:

public class ColorPageViewModel: AppColors
    public static Brush ColorCustom   { get; private set; }

    public ColorPageViewModel ()
        ColorCustom = new SolidColorBrush(U.Hex2Color("#ffff1234"));

Inside the ColorPage XAML I want to make a binding to the ColorBlack property from the base color class.ColorPage XAML 内部,我想从基色 class 绑定到ColorBlack属性。


        <vm:ColorPageViewModel />

    <!-- the property ColorBlack can not be retrieved, but no error is given -->
    <Grid Background="{Binding ColorBlack}"></Grid>

The binding to the ColorBlack property is not used when I run the application.运行应用程序时不使用与ColorBlack属性的绑定。 I was expecting it to be retrieved from the base color class.我期待它从基色 class 中检索出来。

I can fix the problem by declaring a page resource and use that as my source for the binding, but that defeats the whole purpose of using the color class as a base.我可以通过声明页面资源并将其用作绑定源来解决问题,但这违背了使用颜色 class 作为基础的全部目的。

    <local:AppColors x:Key="AppColors" />

    <vm:ColorPageViewModel />

<!-- the property ColorBlack works now! -->
<Grid Background="{Binding ColorBlack, Source={StaticResource AppColors}}"></Grid>

Any advice on how to access the properties from the base color class?关于如何从基色 class 访问属性的任何建议?

Any advice on how to access the properties from the base color class?关于如何从基色 class 访问属性的任何建议?

ColorBlack is not an instance/local property of the view model. ColorBlack不是视图 model 的实例/本地属性。

Use {x:Bind} when you bind to static properties:绑定到 static 属性时使用{x:Bind}

<Grid Background="{x:Bind vm:ColorPageViewModel.ColorBlack}"></Grid>

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