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如何更改卡片的边框颜色,在 Jetpack Compose 中点击卡片?

[英]How to change the border color of a card, on card click in Jetpack Compose?

I have list of users that is displayed in a lazy row.我有显示在惰性行中的用户列表。 Each row is represented by a card.每行由一张卡片表示。 Each card has a red border.每张卡片都有一个红色边框。 How can I change the border of the card from red to black, on card click?如何在卡片点击时将卡片的边框从红色更改为黑色?

Here is what I have tried:这是我尝试过的:

    modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth()
) {
    items(users) { user ->
            name = user.name

And here is the card:这是卡片:

fun UserCard(
    name: String
) {
        modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth()
        border = BorderStroke(2.dp, Color.Red),
        onClick = { ??? }
    ) {
            text = name

You can use something like:你可以使用类似的东西:

var cardColor by remember { mutableStateOf(Red)}

    border = BorderStroke(2.dp, cardColor),
    onClick = { cardColor = Blue }
) {
        text = "name"

If you want to handle a selected state you can use something like:如果要处理选定的 state,可以使用以下内容:

var selectedCard by remember { mutableStateOf(false) }
var cardColor = if (selectedCard) Red else Black

    border = BorderStroke(2.dp, cardColor),
    onClick = { selectedCard = !selectedCard }
) {
        text = "name"

If you want to have a stateful Composable you can do it by storing color inside a remember with MutableState and change it on click.如果你想拥有一个有状态的 Composable,你可以通过使用 MutableState 将颜色存储在一个记忆中并在点击时更改它来实现。 However this will reset when you scroll back to same item because it will be recomposed when it's on screen again and have state which is not recommended.但是,当您滚动回同一项目时,这将重置,因为它会在再次出现在屏幕上时重新组合,并且不推荐使用 state。 Official document about state-hoisting . 关于国家吊装的官方文件

fun UserCard(
    name: String
) {

    var color by remember {mutableStateOf(Color.Red)}
        modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth()
        border = BorderStroke(2.dp, color),
        onClick = { color = Color.Black}
    ) {
            text = name

If you wish to have stateless Composable you can do it via state-hoisting.如果您希望拥有无状态的可组合,您可以通过状态提升来实现。 Unlike the one above this one will have same color even if you scroll down and go back up when new items will be recomposed will existing border color与上面的不同,即使您向下滚动和 go 备份,当新项目将被重新组合时,该颜色也将具有相同的颜色将现有的边框颜色

data class User(val name: String, var color: Color = Color.Red)

private fun BorderList() {
    val userList = remember {
        mutableStateListOf<User>().apply {
            repeat(100) {
                add(User("User $it"))

    LazyColumn {
        itemsIndexed(userList) { index, user ->
            UserCard(name = user.name, borderColor = user.color) {

                val newColor = if(user.color == Color.Red) Color.Black else Color.Red
                userList[index] = user.copy(color = newColor)

fun UserCard(
    name: String,
    borderColor: Color,
    onColorChange: () -> Unit
) {
        modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth(),
        border = BorderStroke(2.dp, borderColor),
        onClick = { onColorChange() }
    ) {
            text = name

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