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SwiftUI List 接触 Tabbar 时 Tabbar 消失

[英]SwiftUI Tabbar disappears when List touches Tabbar

I'm trying to create a List from a TabView using SwiftUI.我正在尝试使用 SwiftUI 从 TabView 创建一个列表。 But when the List touches the tabbar, the tabbar becomes transparent.但是当 List 接触到 tabbar 时,tabbar 变成透明的。 If I use ".frame" to limit the size of the List so that the List doesn't touch the tabbar, it works properly.如果我使用“.frame”来限制列表的大小,以便列表不接触标签栏,它可以正常工作。

Why does tabbar become transparent?为什么tabbar会变透明? and how can I make the tabbar not become transparent?以及如何使标签栏不透明?

target ios is 15.0 and xcode version is 13.4目标 ios 是 15.0 和 xcode 版本是 13.4

Here is my code and image.这是我的代码和图像。


struct HomeView: View {
    @State private var selection = 1
        UITabBar.appearance().backgroundColor = UIColor(Color("mainColor"))//UIColor.white
        UITabBar.appearance().isTranslucent = false
        UITabBar.appearance().unselectedItemTintColor = UIColor.white
        UITabBar.appearance().isHidden = false

    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            TabView (selection: $selection){
                    .tabItem {
                        Image(systemName : "person.2.circle")
                            .environment(\.symbolVariants, selection == 1 ? .fill : .none)
                    .tabItem {
                        Image(systemName : "map.circle")
                            .environment(\.symbolVariants, selection == 2 ? .fill : .none)
                SearchView()//text: "")
                    .tabItem {
                        Image(systemName : "magnifyingglass.circle")
                            .environment(\.symbolVariants, selection == 3 ? .fill : .none)
                    .tabItem {
                        Image(systemName : "ellipsis.circle")
                            .environment(\.symbolVariants, selection == 4 ? .fill : .none)
        //.ignoresSafeArea(edges: .top)
struct SearchView: View {
    let array = [
        "1", "2", "3", "4", "5",
        "6", "7", "8", "9", "0", "one",
        "two", "three", "four", "five", "six"
    @State private var searchText = ""
    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            SearchBar(text: $searchText)
                .padding(EdgeInsets(top: 10, leading: 0, bottom: 10, trailing: 0))
            List {
                ForEach(array.filter{$0.hasPrefix(searchText)}, id:\.self) {
                    searchText in Text(searchText)
            .onTapGesture {

A possible approach is to construct appearance explicitly with all states needed (so be sure everything is activated and not conflicting with others), like一种可能的方法是用所有需要的状态显式地构造外观(所以要确保一切都被激活并且不与其他状态冲突),比如

init() {
    let appearance = UITabBarAppearance()
    appearance.backgroundColor = UIColor.orange

    let itemAppearance = UITabBarItemAppearance(style: .stacked)
    itemAppearance.normal.iconColor = UIColor.white
    itemAppearance.normal.titleTextAttributes = [.foregroundColor: UIColor.white]
    appearance.stackedLayoutAppearance = itemAppearance

    UITabBar.appearance().scrollEdgeAppearance = appearance
    UITabBar.appearance().standardAppearance = appearance

Tested with Xcode 13.4 / iOS 15.5使用 Xcode 13.4 / iOS 15.5 测试


You forgot to add this:)你忘了添加这个:)

UITabBar.appearance().barTintColor = UIColor(Color("mainColor"))

Have a great day!祝你有美好的一天!

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