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[英]check if Document exist in a collection failed

I'm trying to check if my collection has a document by a function我正在尝试检查我的收藏是否有 function 的文档

this is the function:这是 function:

  Future<bool> exist(String uid) async {
    final snapShot = await collectionRef.doc(uid).get();
    if (snapShot.exists){
      return true;
    return false;

the result is: Instance of 'Future',, (neither True nor false)结果是:'Future'的实例,,(非真非假)

pointing that my function into Provider将我的 function 指向 Provider

The method is fine, you probably aren't awaiting it when calling it elsewhere.该方法很好,在其他地方调用它时您可能不会等待它。

Also, a slight improvement would be to just return snapShot.exists instead of the if(exists) return true, else false .此外,一个轻微的改进是只return snapShot.exists而不是if(exists) return true, else false

Since it's a future when you call this method like因为当你调用这个方法时它是一个未来

bool something = exist("someId");

Will throw an error saying its an instance of future.会抛出一个错误,说它是一个未来的实例。

But if you await to get a return you should get a bool但是如果你等待得到回报,你应该得到一个布尔值

bool something = await exist("someId");

To check it in a condition在一个条件下检查它

void checkSomething() async{
 if(await exist("someId") == true)

[![enter image description here][1]][1]

when quick fix to code M I got these

[![enter image description here][2]][2]

  [1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/2HpJM.jpg
  [2]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/XCpW3.jpg

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