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SICP Streams (Scheme) - CDR 到隐含的 stream 中

[英]SICP Streams (Scheme) - CDR into the implicit stream of ones

(define ones (cons-stream 1 ones))
(stream-cdr ones)

returns an infinite sequence of evaluated 1s - ie I get ;Value: #0={1 1 1 1 1 1 1 and so on... - not the symbolic {1 1...} I would expect...返回评估 1 的无限序列 - 即我得到;Value: #0={1 1 1 1 1 1 1等等... - 不是我期望的符号{1 1...} ...

On the other end if I define ints and cdr into it,另一方面,如果我在其中定义intscdr

(define ints (cons-stream 1 (stream-map + ones ints)))
(stream-cdr ints)

I obtain the expected {1 2...}我得到了预期的{1 2...}

Can anyone explain me why?谁能解释我为什么? I expect the stream-map definition to be not too far from我希望stream-map定义不会太远

(define (mystream-map proc . argstreams) 
    (if (stream-null? (car argstreams))
            (apply proc (map stream-car argstreams)) 
            (apply mystream-map (cons proc (map stream-cdr argstreams))))))

which I defined in ex 3.50 and returns the same result... but this seems to (via (map stream-cdr argstreams) ) stream-cdr into ones, which I would expect to result in the infinite sequence I get above!我在 ex 3.50 中定义并返回相同的结果......但这似乎(通过(map stream-cdr argstreams) )将stream-cdr转换为一个,我希望这会导致我在上面得到的无限序列!

Even though, if I understand correctly, due to cons-stream being a macro the second part inside the stream-map will only be lazily evaluated, at some point while I cdr into the ints stream I would expect to have to cdr into ones as well.. which instead doesn't seem to be happening: :/ Any help in understanding this would be very much appreciated!即使,如果我理解正确,由于cons-stream是一个宏, stream-map中的第二部分只会被懒惰地评估,在某些时候,当我cdr进入ints ones我希望必须将cdr转换为好吧..这似乎没有发生::/任何有助于理解这一点的帮助将不胜感激!

(I also didn't override any scheme symbol and I'm running everything in MIT Scheme - Release 11.2 on OS X.) (我也没有覆盖任何方案符号,我在 MIT 方案中运行所有东西 - OS X 上的 11.2 版。)

(define ones (cons-stream 1 ones)) (stream-cdr ones)

returns an infinite sequence of evaluated ones .返回一个无限ones评估序列。

No it does not.不,不是的。 (stream-cdr ones) = (stream-cdr (cons-stream 1 ones)) = ones . (stream-cdr ones) = (stream-cdr (cons-stream 1 ones)) = ones It is just one ones , not the sequence of ones .它只是一个,而ones ones序列。

And what is ones ?什么是ones

Its stream-car is 1 , and its stream-cdr is ones .它的stream-car1 ,它ones stream-cdr是 one 。

Whose stream-car is 1 , and stream-cdr is ones again.stream-car1 ,而stream-cdr又是ones

And so if you (stream-take n ones) (with an obvious implementation of stream-take ) you will receive an n -long list of 1 s, whatever the (non-negative) n is.因此,如果您(stream-take n ones) (具有明显的stream-take实现),您将收到一个n长的1列表,无论(非负) n是什么。

In other words, repeated cdr ing into ones produces an unbounded sequence of 1 s.换句话说,重复cdr ing into one 会产生一个无界ones 1序列。 Or symbolically, {1 1 1...} indeed.或者象征性地,确实是{1 1 1...}

after your edit it becomes clear the question is about REPL behavior.在您进行编辑后,很明显问题是关于 REPL 行为。 I only have Racket, where我只有球拍,在哪里

(define ones (cons-stream 1 ones))
(define (onesF) (cons-stream 1 (onesF)))
(define ints (cons-stream 1 (stream-map + ones ints)))

(stream-cdr ones)
(stream-cdr (onesF))
(stream-cdr ints)


(mcons 1 #<promise>)
(mcons 1 #<promise>)
(mcons 2 #<promise>)

and, having defined并且,已经定义

(define (take n s)
  (if (<= n 1)
      (if (= n 1)    ; prevent an excessive `force`
          (list (stream-car s))
      (cons (stream-car s)
            (take (- n 1)
                  (stream-cdr s)))))

we get我们得到

> (display (take 5 ones))
(1 1 1 1 1)
> (display (take 5 (onesF)))
(1 1 1 1 1)
> (display (take 5 ints))
(1 2 3 4 5)

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