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在_Layout Page中使用PartialView创建动态MainMenu - Asp.net core razorpage

[英]Using PartialView to create dynamic MainMenu in _Layout Page - Asp.net core razorpage

i want to using PartialView in My _Layout Page and this is my PartialView code:我想在我的 _Layout 页面中使用 PartialView,这是我的 PartialView 代码:

  @model List<WebApplication4.Models.MainMenuTable>

@foreach (var item in Model)
    <li class="nav-item">
        <a class="nav-link text-dark" asp-page="@item.Link">@item.Title</a>

and this is my _Layout Page code:这是我的 _Layout 页面代码:

    var partialModel = new List<MainMenuTable>()


<partial name="_MainMenu" model="partialModel"/>

but i saw nothing in result why?但我什么也没看到结果为什么?

Your code is OK, But you need to pass some data into Partial View when you use it in _Layout.cshtml , Refer to this simple demo:你的代码没问题,但是在_Layout.cshtml中使用的时候需要传入一些数据到Partial View中,参考这个简单的demo:

        var partialModel = new List<MainMenuTable>()
            new MainMenuTable
                Title = "HomePage",
                Link = "index"
            new MainMenuTable
                Title = "PrivacyPage",
                Link = "Privacy"

    <partial name="_MainMenu" model="partialModel"/>


When you don't pass any data into Partival View , It will not show in your _Layout .当您不将任何数据传递到Partival View时,它不会显示在您的_Layout中。

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