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从 ifstream 中获取 istream_iterator

[英]Get istream_iterator from ifstream

I tried to get an istream iterator from an ifstream , but failed...我试图从ifstream获取istream迭代器,但失败了......

void Test_CH_3_1::set_up()
    std::ifstream file_in("makefile-dependencies.dat");
    typedef boost::graph_traits<Graph>::vertices_size_type size_type;
    size_type n_vertices;
    file_in >> n_vertices; // read in number of vertices
    if (file_in)
        std::cout << n_vertices << std::endl;

    std::istream_iterator<std::pair<size_type, size_type> > input_begin, input_end;
    input_begin=std::istream_iterator<std::pair<size_type, size_type> >(file_in);
    g_ = Graph(input_begin, input_end, n_vertices);

And I got below error:我得到以下错误:

no match for "operator>>" (operand types are std::istream_iterator<std::pair<long unsigned int, long unsigned int> >::istream_type {aka std::basic_istream<char> and std::pair<long unsigned int, long unsigned int>)

The error message is quite clear.错误信息非常清楚。 There is no operator>> defined for reading std::pair from a std::istream .没有为从std::istream读取std::pair定义operator>> Define one in your application code and all should be well.在您的应用程序代码中定义一个,一切都应该很好。

std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& in, std::pair<std::size_type, std::size_type>& p)
   return in >> p.first >> p.second;

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