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[英]Can information be read on public blockchain even if you arent the owner?

Let's imagine I write information on a public blockchain like Ethereum, in plain text.让我们想象一下,我在像以太坊这样的公共区块链上以纯文本形式编写信息。 This information could be a transaction or even a smart contract that I deployed.这些信息可能是我部署的交易甚至是智能合约。 Can another user read this information in the blockchain?其他用户可以在区块链中读取此信息吗? As we are talking about a public network I guess this information is available for everyone, right?当我们谈论公共网络时,我想每个人都可以使用此信息,对吗? And if that is, how?如果是这样,怎么办? For example, can another user, with the block number or the transaction ID go to etherscan and in same way read the code of my smart contract?例如,另一个用户可以使用区块号或交易 ID go 进行 etherscan 并以同样的方式读取我的智能合约代码吗? How?如何?

Public data is by definition public.公共数据根据定义是公共的。 It means everybody can read it.这意味着每个人都可以阅读它。

You can read the data by using a blockchain explorer or reading the data directly from your Ethereum node.您可以使用区块链浏览器或直接从您的以太坊节点读取数据来读取数据。

While binary data is always public, human-readable data often needs an ABI file .虽然二进制数据始终是公开的,但人类可读的数据通常需要ABI 文件 With the ABI file, Ethereum JSON-RPC access you can use a library like Web3.js or Web3.py to read the data easily.通过 ABI 文件、以太坊 JSON-RPC 访问,您可以使用 Web3.js 或 Web3.py 等库轻松读取数据。

The plain code no, like the solidity source code.纯代码没有,就像solidity 源代码一样。 But it's possibile to "decompile" the ABI and get a "raw" version of your code.但是可以“反编译”ABI 并获得代码的“原始”版本。 You can upload the source code then verify the smart contract on the scanner (for eth etherscan.io ), this process enforce the "credibility" of your contract.您可以上传源代码,然后在扫描仪上验证智能合约(对于 eth etherscan.io ),此过程会强制执行您的合约的“可信度”。

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