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更改 pine 脚本中的进入/退出文本和颜色

[英]Change entry/exit text and color in pine script

Is it possible to change the entry and exit text and color in pine script?是否可以更改 pine 脚本中的进入和退出文本和颜色?

Currently they are blue for entry and pink for exit.目前,它们是蓝色的入口和粉红色的出口。


No but you can add your own labels and hide the built-in labels.不,但您可以添加自己的标签并隐藏内置标签。

To disable the built-in trade labels on chart, simply go to Settings -> Style and untick the option "Trades on chart".要禁用图表上的内置交易标签,只需 go 到 Settings -> Style 并取消选中“Trades on chart”选项。


See the example below:请参见下面的示例:

// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
// © vitruvius

strategy("My strategy", overlay=true, margin_long=100, margin_short=100)

long_color = input.color(color.green, "Long Color")
short_color = input.color(color.red, "Short Color")
text_color = input.color(color.white, "Text Color")

is_new_long = (strategy.position_size > 0) and (strategy.position_size > strategy.position_size[1])
is_new_short = (strategy.position_size < 0) and (strategy.position_size < strategy.position_size[1])

longCondition = ta.crossover(ta.sma(close, 14), ta.sma(close, 28))
if (longCondition)
    strategy.entry("My Long Entry Id", strategy.long)

shortCondition = ta.crossunder(ta.sma(close, 14), ta.sma(close, 28))
if (shortCondition)
    strategy.entry("My Short Entry Id", strategy.short)

plotshape(is_new_long, "Long", shape.labeldown, location.abovebar, long_color, 0, "Long", text_color)
plotshape(is_new_short, "Short", shape.labelup, location.belowbar, short_color, 0, "Short", text_color)


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