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在 JavaEE 中使用异步事件日志“没有用于注入 ObserverClass 的有效 EE 环境”

[英]In JavaEE using asynchronous events logs "No valid EE environment for injection of ObserverClass"

I have implemented a REST endpoint in JavaEE that fires an asynchronous event to trigger a process each time the endpoint is used by a user.我在 JavaEE 中实现了一个 REST 端点,每次用户使用端点时都会触发一个异步事件来触发一个进程。

This all works as intended and the process is triggered asynchronously, but results in a SEVERE level log: No valid EE environment for injection of TagsProcessor and I do not understand why.这一切都按预期工作,并且该过程是异步触发的,但会导致SEVERE级别的日志: No valid EE environment for injection of TagsProcessor我不明白为什么。

Is this a bug in Payara?这是Payara中的错误吗? Or am I doing something wrong?还是我做错了什么?

Here is an example implementation:这是一个示例实现:

Rest endpoint where the event is fired on each login: Rest 端点,每次登录都会触发该事件:

public class AuthenticationResource {

    @Timed(name = "appV2RequestJwt", absolute = true)
    public Response appRequestJwt(RefreshRequest refreshRequest) {
        JwtResponse dto;

        try {
            dto = authenticationProcessor.appRequestJwt(refreshRequest);

            //Fire asynchronous event
            calculateTagsEvent.fireAsync(new CalculateTagsEvent(refreshRequest.getUsername()));

            return Response.ok(dto).build();
        } catch (Exception exception) {
            LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Could not request jwt: {}", exception.getMessage());
            dto = new JwtResponse(null, INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
            return Response.status(Response.Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR).entity(dto).build();


Observer class:观察者 class:

public class TagsProcessor {

    private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(TagsProcessor.class.getName());

    private BeanController beanController;

    //Observe asynchronous event
    public void manageCalculateTagsEvent(@ObservesAsync CalculateTagsEvent event) {
        LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Event observed");
        beanController.create(new SomeBean());

This results in the logs:这导致日志:

[#|2022-08-17T06:39:39.461+0000|SEVERE|Payara 5.201||_ThreadID=473;_ThreadName=payara-executor-service-task;_TimeMillis=1660718379461;_LevelValue=1000;| No valid EE environment for injection of TagsProcessor|#]

[#|2022-08-17T06:39:39.473+0000|WARNING|Payara 5.201|TagsProcessor|_ThreadID=473;_ThreadName=payara-executor-service-task;_TimeMillis=1660718379473;_LevelValue=900;| Event observed|#]

So it's working as intended, but is giving me the warning about the injection...所以它按预期工作,但给了我关于注射的警告......

As mentioned in my comment I did try various scopes but in the end it's supposed to be a @Stateless EJB that can be spawned from a pool without being attached to the client's state.正如我在评论中提到的,我确实尝试了各种范围,但最终它应该是一个@Stateless EJB,它可以从池中生成,而无需附加到客户端的 state。

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