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苹果手表上画圈的外观不够光滑。 我怎样才能做得更好?

[英]Appearance of drawn circle on the apple watch is not smooth enough. How can I do it better?

One approach I tried is the following:我尝试的一种方法如下:

let circle = Circle.init()
let path = circle.path(in: kServiceRightFrame)
let serviceRightPath = UIBezierPath.init(cgPath: path.cgPath)
serviceRightPath.lineWidth = 2.0


I played around with flatness too, but that did not get the job done either.我也玩过平坦度,但这也没有完成工作。 How can a smoother looking circle be drawn programmatically?如何以编程方式绘制更平滑的圆?

EDIT:A more extensive view of my code:编辑:我的代码的更广泛的视图:

 let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()

 //draw service path
 ---> code from above
 // Convert to UIImage
 let cgimage = context!.makeImage()
 //create scoreboardimage
 let scoreBoardImage = UIImage(cgImage: cgimage!)
  // End the graphics context'

George put me on the right track.乔治让我走上了正轨。 It was a scaling issue.这是一个扩展问题。 The code that I changed was the following:我更改的代码如下:

//Replaced this
//with this
false, 4.0)

That fixed it.那解决了它。 Now the circle looks a lot smoother in appearance.现在这个圆圈在外观上看起来更平滑了。 在此处输入图像描述

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