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在包含的文件中:在 Neovim LSP 中找不到“begin_code.h”文件

[英]In included file: 'begin_code.h' file not found occurring in Neovim LSP

I am trying to set up my Neovim for C development however, whenever I use: #include <SDL2/SDL.h> I get an error saying "In included file: 'begin_code.h' file not found".我正在尝试为 C 开发设置我的 Neovim,但是,每当我使用:#include <SDL2/SDL.h> 时,我都会收到一条错误消息,提示“在包含的文件中:找不到‘begin_code.h’文件”。 I did some digging and in my include files and I did see 'begin_code.h'.我做了一些挖掘,在我的包含文件中,我确实看到了“begin_code.h”。 I am just very confused, could be because I am new to C.我只是很困惑,可能是因为我是 C 的新手。

Screenshot of diagnostic message from Neovim's LSP Neovim 的 LSP 的诊断信息截图

So apparently, clangd can not find this headers.所以显然,clangd 找不到这个头文件。 clangd needs specific files to find where your header file is. clangd 需要特定文件来查找 header 文件的位置。

According to clangd documentation , you can either generate a compile_commands.json file for your project or use compile_flags.txt .根据clangd 文档,您可以为您的项目生成compile_commands.json文件或使用compile_flags.txt

For simple project, using compile_flags.txt is sufficient.对于简单的项目,使用compile_flags.txt就足够了。 Your compile flags are written one per line.您的编译标志每行写入一个。 A sample compile_flags.txt looks like this:示例compile_flags.txt如下所示:


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