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如何在 flutter 中没有未来构建器的情况下从 Firestore 获取单个用户数据

[英]How to get a single user data from firestore without future builder in flutter

I have this in my Auth Controller我在我的 Auth Controller 中有这个

  Future<Member?> readLoggedMemberonly() async {
    final User? user = Auth().currentUser;
    final mid = user?.uid;
    final docMember =

    final snapshot = await docMember.get();

    if (snapshot.exists) {
      return Member.fromJson(snapshot.data()!);
    } else {
      return null;

and in my View I have this在我看来我有这个

  final mem = Auth().readLoggedMemberonly;

Now I want to access users data like name现在我想访问名称等用户数据

I tried with我试过了

 child: Text(mem?.name), //name was declared in the model and it exits in the firestore users document

But got this error但是得到了这个错误


this after removing const from DrawerDrawer中删除const后的 this


  final mem = Auth().readLoggedMemberonly;

if you want to call a function you have to add brackets如果你想调用 function 你必须添加括号

  final mem = Auth().readLoggedMemberonly();

Then, its future, so probably you want to await for it然后,它的未来,所以可能你想等待它

  final mem = await Auth().readLoggedMemberonly();

then you can use your value那么你可以使用你的价值

  Text(mem?.name ?? '');

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