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[英]How to extract the type of enumerated value use typescript

enum code {
    a = 10,
    b = 20,
    c = "abc"

Now I have an enum value and I now want to get a union type现在我有一个枚举值,我现在想要一个联合类型

type IWantGet = 10 | 20 | 'abc'

Excuse me, do you have any good solutions?请问,有什么好的解决办法吗?

This will become possible in TypeScript 4.8 when the conversion of string literals to numbers is added.在 TypeScript 4.8 中,当添加了将字符串文字转换为数字时,这将成为可能。

type IWantGet = `${code}` extends infer U 
  ? U extends `${infer S extends number}` 
    ? S
    : U 
  : never

// type IWantGet = "abc" | 10 | 20

Playground 操场

For now you can only have a union of string literal types.现在你只能有一个字符串文字类型的联合。

type IWantGet = `${code}`
// type IWantGet = "10" | "20" | "abc"

Playground 操场

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