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我需要什么样的物理设置来测试 UDP 多播软件

[英]What Kind of a Pyhsical Setup I Need to Test a UDP Multicasting Software

I can deliver normal UDP messages between two computers using a direct ethernet connection using my software.我可以使用我的软件使用直接以太网连接在两台计算机之间传递正常的 UDP 消息。 But I couldn't do the same for multicasting messages, I've tried other softwares that can send and receive multicast UDP messages and they didn't work as well.但是我不能对多播消息做同样的事情,我尝试了其他可以发送和接收多播 UDP 消息的软件,但它们也不能正常工作。 So I thought and wanted to ask if a direct Ethernet connection is a proper pyhsical setup or not.所以我想并想问一下直接以太网连接是否是正确的物理设置。 And if not what should I do?如果不是,我该怎么办?

Yes, a direct ethernet supports multicast.是的,直接以太网支持多播。 As opposed to an NBMA network like frame relay (rare these days) which does not support multicast for example.与不支持多播的 NBMA 网络(例如帧中继(现在很少见))相反。

Make sure you are not actually using a switch (which is a bridge) that has IGMP snooping enabled.确保您实际上没有使用启用了 IGMP 侦听的交换机(这是一个网桥)。 IGMP snooping will not propagate multicast to nodes that have not sent an IGMP join (assuming your software does not do the join). IGMP 侦听不会将多播传播到尚未发送 IGMP 加入的节点(假设您的软件不进行加入)。

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