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类型'IntrinsicAttributes & UserSelectProps & { children?: ReactNode; 上不存在属性'isMulti' }'.ts(2322)

[英]Property 'isMulti' does not exist on type 'IntrinsicAttributes & UserSelectProps & { children?: ReactNode; }'.ts(2322)

I have a component which looks like so:我有一个看起来像这样的组件:

        rules={{ required: true }}
        render={({ field }) => (
            label="Project Members"

and it is giving me the following TS error (red squiggly on isMulti ):它给了我以下 TS 错误( isMulti上的红色波浪):

Type '{ onChange: (...event: any[]) => void; onBlur: Noop; value: any; name: "members"; ref: RefCallBack; accountId: string; label: string; isMulti: true; }' is not assignable to type 'IntrinsicAttributes & UserSelectProps & { children?: ReactNode; }'. Property 'isMulti' does not exist on type 'IntrinsicAttributes & UserSelectProps & { children?: ReactNode; }'.ts(2322)

full component can be seen here:https://gist.github.com/pivcec/ea9714410f2baaaf9600a28091e9f6b7完整的组件可以在这里看到:https://gist.github.com/pivcec/ea9714410f2baaaf9600a28091e9f6b7

UserSelect component can be seen here:https://gist.github.com/pivcec/cb2645bf672324f990b27f6cd597dfcc UserSelect组件可以在这里看到:https://gist.github.com/pivcec/cb2645bf672324f990b27f6cd597dfcc

If you want to extend another component you can just intersect the props of Select.如果你想扩展另一个组件,你可以与 Select 的 props 相交。 I believe this is from react-select , but the simplest way to it would be like so:我相信这是来自react-select ,但最简单的方法是这样的:

type UserSelectProps = {
  accountId: string;
  label: string;
} & Parameters<typeof Select>[0];
// need to index 0, since that is props, 1 is context

Also react.forwardComponent is a generic component so the correct pattern would be something like this: react.forwardComponent 也是一个通用组件,所以正确的模式应该是这样的:

const UserSelect = React.forwardRef<UserSelectProps["ref"], Omit<UserSelectProps, "ref>">((props, ref) => {
// the first type parameter is the refType and the second is the propsType

IIRC react-select props type is generic, so this might be more useful like so: IIRC react-select道具类型是通用的,所以这可能更有用,如下所示:

import { GroupBase } from "react-select";

type UserSelectProps<
  Option = unknown,
  IsMulti extends boolean = false,
  Group extends GroupBase<Option> = GroupBase<Option>
> = {
  accountId: string;
  label: string;
  // This requires TS4.7^ VVV, instantiation expression
} & Parameters<typeof Select<Option, IsMulti, Group>[0];

// Since you didn't provide a sandbox I just wrote this of the top of my head,
// so this may or may not work...
const UserSelect = React.forwardRef(...) as <
  Option = unknown,
  IsMulti extends boolean = false,
  Group extends GroupBase<Option> = GroupBase<Option>
>(props: UserSelectProps<Select, IsMulti, Group>) => JSX.Element


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