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如何从 iOS 应用程序中正确卸载 AdMob

[英]How to properly uninstall AdMob from iOS app

I have uninstalled the AdMob SDK by commenting out the lines in the Podfile.我通过注释掉 Podfile 中的行卸载了 AdMob SDK。 Then I run pod update.然后我运行 pod update。 The AdMob SDK and the utilities are removed. AdMob SDK 和实用程序已删除。 However, I get framework not found FBLPromises error.但是,我得到framework not found FBLPromises错误。

I have use_frameworks.我有 use_frameworks。 uncommitted in the Podfile.在 Podfile 中未提交。 Even if I comment out use_frameworks!即使我注释掉 use_frameworks! And run pod update I still get the error.并运行 pod update 我仍然得到错误。

Here's my Podfile.这是我的 Podfile。

# Uncomment the next line to define a global platform for your project
  platform :ios, '15.0'

target 'My Collection' do
  # Comment the next line if you don't want to use dynamic frameworks

  # Pods for Auburn Collection
  pod 'Gemini', '~> 1.4'
#  pod 'Google-Mobile-Ads-SDK', '~> 8.9'
#  pod 'GoogleUtilities', '~> 7.5'
  pod 'TTSegmentedControl', '~> 0.4.9'

Two questions:两个问题:

Do I need to use frameworks for the two remaining pods?我需要为剩下的两个 pod 使用框架吗?

What am I doing wrong and what can I do to fix the error?我做错了什么,我能做些什么来解决这个错误?

Thanks for the help in advance.我在这里先向您的帮助表示感谢。

I did a search in my app for FBLPromises.我在我的应用程序中搜索了 FBLPromises。 It was still in Build Settings > Linking > Other Linked Flags.它仍然在 Build Settings > Linking > Other Linked Flags 中。 I had to manually delete it along with other AdMob frameworks.我不得不手动删除它以及其他 AdMob 框架。 This solved the problem.这解决了问题。

It also appears that Gemini uses frameworks so I do need them. Gemini 似乎也使用框架,所以我确实需要它们。

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