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从 typescript 反应中的第一个参数类型推断第二个参数类型

[英]Infer second parameter type from first parameter type in typescript react

I'm trying to make a utility function that creates a new react component from a different react component that accepts different set of props.我正在尝试制作一个实用程序 function ,它从接受不同道具集的不同反应组件创建一个新的反应组件。 I have following code:我有以下代码:

function makeNewComponent(
    OldComponent: React.ComponentType<any>,
    prepareProps: () => typeof OldComponent.propTypes
): React.ComponentType {
    return function NewComponent() {
        const oldComponentProps = prepareProps();

        return <OldComponent {...oldComponentProps} />;

But it's not inferring return type of the prepareProps function properly.但它没有正确推断prepareProps function 的返回类型。 For example if I use the makeNewComponent function like this:例如,如果我像这样使用makeNewComponent function:

const OldComponent: React.FC<{ num1: number }> = () => {
    return <div>hello</div>;

const NewComponent = makeNewComponent(OldComponent, () => ({}));

Typescript infers the return type of the prepareProps function as Typescript 推断prepareProps function 的返回类型为

prepareProps: () => React.WeakValidationMap<{}> | undefined

but I need it to be like this:但我需要它是这样的:

prepareProps: () => { num1: number; }

I have tried different things but I can't get it to work.我尝试了不同的东西,但我无法让它发挥作用。 I also tried nesting some functions like following:我还尝试嵌套一些函数,如下所示:

function makeNewComponent2(OldComponent: React.ComponentType<any>) {
    return function (prepareProps: () => typeof OldComponent.propTypes) {
        return function NewComponent() {
            const oldComponentProps = prepareProps();

            return <OldComponent {...oldComponentProps} />;

But it's still not working.但它仍然无法正常工作。 Any solution?有什么解决办法吗?

The following would do the trick:以下方法可以解决问题:

type ExtractPropTypes<T> = T extends React.WeakValidationMap<infer P> ? P : never;

function makeNewComponent<T extends React.ComponentType<any>>(
  Component: T,
  prepareProps: () => ExtractPropTypes<T['propTypes']>
): React.ComponentType {
  return function NewComponent() {
      const props = prepareProps();

      return <Component {...props} />;

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