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Swift 内存布局

[英]Swift MemoryLayout

I have a struct:我有一个结构:

struct ShortResume {
    let age: Int32
    let hasVehicle: Bool

When I do print(MemoryLayout<ShortResume>.size) , it prints out 5, that is correct: Int32 occupies 4 bytes and Bool occupies 1 byte.当我执行print(MemoryLayout<ShortResume>.size)时,它打印出 5,这是正确的:Int32 占用 4 个字节,Bool 占用 1 个字节。

Then I change my struct to this:然后我将我的结构更改为:

struct ShortResume {
    let age: Int32?
    let hasVehicle: Bool

it prints out 6, that is also correct, because optional occupies 1 byte in memory.它打印出 6,这也是正确的,因为 optional 在 memory 中占用 1 个字节。

However, when I change my struct to this:但是,当我将结构更改为此时:

struct ShortResume {
    let age: Int32?
    let hasVehicle: Bool?

it prints out 6 again, but it must be 7, because there are two optionals now.它再次打印出 6,但它必须是 7,因为现在有两个可选项。

Why?为什么? Maybe I'm missing something?也许我错过了什么?

If you look at如果你看


You'll see that it is actually 1. But你会看到它实际上是 1。但是


is 5 as expected.是 5 正如预期的那样。

You may know that Optional is an enum declared like this:你可能知道Optional是一个这样声明的枚举:

public enum Optional<Wrapped> {
    case none
    case some(Wrapped)

    // ...

So the memory needed for a T?那么T? is the memory needed for T , plus one flag bit to store whether it is none or some .T所需的 memory ,加上一个标志位来存储它是none还是some Therefore, one byte is theoretically more than necessary to store a Bool?因此,一个字节理论上比存储Bool? . .

And it turns out that Swift is actually really smart - in the current implementation, this flag can go in any unused place in the layout of T , which is why the flag and the value of the Bool are in the same byte.事实证明,Swift 实际上非常聪明——在当前的实现中,这个标志可以 go 在T布局中任何未使用的位置,这就是标志和Bool的值在同一个字节中的原因。

These are some of my experiments:这些是我的一些实验:

struct A {
    let w: Bool
    let x: Int8
    let y: Int8
    let z: Int8

MemoryLayout<A?>.size // 4, that flag must be in the first byte

struct B {
    let w: Int8
    let x: Bool
    let y: Int8
    let z: Int8

MemoryLayout<B?>.size // 4, that flag must be in the second byte

struct C {
    let w: Int8
    let x: Int8
    let y: Bool
    let z: Int8

MemoryLayout<C?>.size // 4, that flag must be in the third byte

struct D {
    let w: Int8
    let x: Int8
    let y: Int8
    let z: Bool

MemoryLayout<D?>.size // 4, that flag must be in the last byte

struct E {
    let w: Int8
    let x: Int8
    let y: Int8
    let z: Int8

MemoryLayout<E?>.size // 5, that flag must be in the extra byte

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